Abigale Masters

Abigale Masters


Our May Tummy Ache Girl shares how she’s really feeling behind the stylish outfits and TikTok videos, her relationship with her mental health, and the best advice she has ever been given…


The first in our Tummy Ache feature series! Abigale Masters is a fashion graduate and stylist who is using her social platforms to get creative with clothing, and profile small sustainable businesses, and share her thrifted finds.

Our first TA Girl, Abigale, answers our questions on mental health and shares her feelings about the importance of being open with her feelings - all while wearing the Tummy Ache Bored Briefs <3

How are you feeling?

Right in this very moment while I write this I feel anxious, I’m sitting on a packed train at rush hour with a suitcase and three bags feeling like a nuisance. But overall as a whole I’m feeling grateful, I’m on my way back to my family home in Kent after a busy, fun week working in London and spending time with my friends.  I’m excited for peacefulness and the silence of being out of London and in my own space. I work in London and live with my boyfriend for half the week, then travel back home to my family and live at home for the weekend. It is as stressful and hectic as it sounds but I’m happy and it works right now for me.

I guess to be totally honest I’m never 100% happy, I always have this lingering feeling of anxiety and uncomfortableness in the back of my mind like a dark shadow that never goes away. I can’t settle if you know what I mean, I feel like I don’t really have a home because of my lifestyle and that creates huge anxiety for me. If I could describe how I’m feeling right in this very moment it would be, excited, a little anxious and hungry. If I could describe how I’m feeling in general it would be scared, grateful and, hmmm probably un-settled :) 

Do you find it easy to be emotionally open?

100%. I have ADHD so there really is no escaping my many MANY emotions that like to say hello on a daily basis. Aside from the ADHD I have never had a problem talking about the way I feel with anyone really. Obviously I don’t open my heart and head to complete strangers (actually sometimes I do as I have no filter and I am the biggest over sharer ever) but in general I am very in touch and open about my feelings. Whether it be negative or positive I like to let others know how I feel in case it affects my relationship with that person at that certain point in time.

I have been in a long term relationship with this beautiful human called Josh and he has also taught me the importance of being as open, verbal and communicative as possible when it comes to feelings and emotions as it is the best way to create comfortable and honest relations with someone you love (be it friends, partners, family).  I do like to share and I do try my hardest to assure people that talking about your feelings no matter how negative they are is good and in fact doing so is a positive outlet for you to open yourself to others. 

What is your relationship like with your mental health?

Okay this question!! This question made me think for a whole bunch. So I will try to keep it as short as possible and not off load too much. Growing up, up until the age of around 17 I never really considered my mental health, there was just a few emotions for me; happy, sad and angry. It wasn’t until a traumatic experience happened that triggered me and made me realise there are hundreds of emotions I can feel, some positive and a lot negative. I needed to learn to manage and deal with these emotions.

I am in tune with my mental health and I don’t shy away or ignore it. I wanted to learn more about myself, how I deal with situations and how to train my brain. I also want to talk about it. Whether that be with friends or family, I feel like I need to talk about my mental health as I never had anyone to talk about it to growing up. I am now 22 years old and I am very happy with my relationship with my mental health. I talk regularly about my feelings and emotions with my close friends, my partner and my family. I never want anyone to feel like they can’t talk about how they feel no matter how negative it is. So by me being as open as possible with my close community I want to make sure others feel they can share with me too. 

How do you express yourself emotionally through creativity?

For me, styling outfits, creating styling TikToks, working in the fashion industry is my form of therapy. It makes me feel calm, at home and extremely happy. If I’m having a super stressful week or day, filming one TikTok puts everything at ease for me and gives me a chance to breathe. It’s my emotional freedom outlet. And my chance to explore my creative possibilities. I see all forms of creativity as a therapeutic outlet. 

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

I know this is so cringe and what middle aged mums have printed on their kitchen walls but, “live each day like it is your last” hits me sometimes. It’s changed my mindset and outlook on life so much. If I’m finding myself drifting into a negative mindset during a pretty positive day I just think to myself, if this was my last ever day would I really want to spend it like this, how would I want to spend my last day? And I try thinking of that every time I can feel myself getting low. Of course some days need to be bad days but most of the time it helps me out of slumps a lot and unfortunately, being a natural pessimist, it’s a great concept for me and I will continue to live by it. 

Shop Abigale’s look ❤️


Find more from Abigale @abigalemasters on Instagram.

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