Frances Costelloe


Frances Costelloe


Frances Costelloe at work

When I was little I always remember having growing pains. Mostly at night these aches in my knees would come and keep me awake. They were only soothed by heat and would usually have disappeared by the morning. I complained to the doctor of these aches but was told I would grow out of them. I can sadly say these pains in my joints are not the doctor's 'growing pains' but actually aches caused by being overly flexible (hypermobile) and having weak muscles. However, now being a 33 year old woman with two children of my own I am not so sure that these aches are not growing pains?


Ink on paper


Growing outwards to carry both babies and then growing up to learn how to look after two little people. Strangely, the only times these pains have not plagued me is when I was pregnant. I think there must be something magical about the body and its ability to correct itself while producing a whole new human at the same time. Pregnancy has also cured, for the time anyway, my terrible circulation. Maybe the body needs to ache a bit to grow and I'm pretty sure I am still growing.

Ink on paper

Find more from Frances on Instagram @frances_glory_costelloe

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