How to *chaotically* start a magazine


How to *chaotically* start a magazine

Sarah Barthes


I am writing this on the bus, during my last week of my last year of uni, with exactly 23 days until all of my final assessments are due. Gradient’s first issue release is just around the corner and everything is up in the air. I am applying for jobs, I have to prepare for a pitch to see if I’m eligible for a grant, I’m organising a launch party… the list goes on… chaos.

To give you some context, my name is Sarah, I’m 22, and I started Gradient Magazine (@thegradientmag on Instagram), around two years ago. Gradient is a platform and magazine that aims to form a creative community, and give a platform to young creatives worldwide, who want to share their work and collaborate with others. My goal has always been to empower and inspire, and I am so happy and proud of how the platform has grown and where we are at now.

The truth is, though, I started Gradient without a clue of what I was doing or where to even begin. My issue when it comes to projects has always been that I get too excited and want to do everything all at once, so without any clear direction, @thegradientmag was born, and I would literally make and post the most random shit. If you remember the ‘health benefits of mushrooms’ and ‘a walk with…’ posts you’re a real one. Hahaha. (Honestly… what a time). It has taken so long to get Gradient to where it is now, and realistically, it probably didn’t need to take as long as it did, but at the same time— every single step of the process has taught me something, and I think it’s been worth it… If anything it’s actually just made me love Gradient more, since we’ve had so much time to grow and learn together. I had barely any technical graphic design skills when I started, and now I’ve designed and edited a whole BOOK and don’t even need to lie about being “highly proficient with Adobe suite design software” in my CV!!!!!

I guess the point I’m trying to make is that great things often take time, and despite what anyone tries to tell you, you don’t NEED to have your niche, routine, or aesthetic style all figured out right away. Believe me, I’m still winging it. Embrace the chaos!!

(apologies in advance for the cliche) but I promise you, if I can do it, so can you.

My aim with this, is to be completely honest with you about how I run a magazine, and some things I do/have learnt that have helped me keep my cool and structure amidst the chaos.


Obviously it isn’t all about rest and relaxation, running a brand and creating something like a magazine is hard work, but I am an incredibly strong believer in not forcing anything. When you feel inspired and creative— create! When you don’t, that’s okay too! It has also been the biggest comfort realising that we are our own harshest critics, and quite frankly, no one cares as much as you do, so don’t worry if things aren’t perfect before putting something out there— consistency is key. Celebrate small wins, and last but not least, set clear goals with steps on how you are going to achieve them, and genuinely believe that they are going to be a success.

To conclude, I would like to thank, and give a massive shout-out to trial and error, for getting me to where I am today.

Much love,


Follow Gradient Magazine on Instagram @thegradientmag and Sarah @karaage.sar

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