The Space Between

The Space Between

Asha Phoenix Ray


Photograph by Asha Phoenix Ray


It is a strange feeling

That space 

That lies between 

Pure calm and complete chaos.

Like the line between

Love and hate,

So fine

You can barely see it

As feelings flutter, 





Sweet and sour

Hot and cold 

Soft and sticky 

Like that space that exists 

Calm and chaotic,

Sleepy in our minds

Clutching on to what we know

Resisting what we don’t

As we float 

Into the dreamworld

Engulfed by pastel pinks and baby blues,

Candyfloss clouds and glowing moons

That let you know if it’s safe

To be

To breathe

To speak

To grow

Amidst the chaos of a delicate world

The only constant is change.

~ Asha Phoenix Ray

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