Today I Will Be Tomorrow's Fool

Today I Will Be Tomorrow’s Fool

An audio piece celebrating the sounds of a city we’re normally too busy to hear and the beauty of being in the present.

Kate Bradley


Artwork by Lara Savill


Creating “Today I will be Tomorrow’s Fool”  began with a simple sensory stimulus - a London Fog tea.  This became a web of inspiration, including the cafes I write in, passersby I witness, and Glasgow city itself.  Bernard Krause’s approach to recording wild landscapes captured me, and I considered my habitat of the city, curious to apply his theory to a metropolitan setting.  

Sitting in the porch of my parents house, crouched with a recorder, and a pair of headphones, I heard aeroplanes rumbling, birds tweeting, a neighbour mowing their lawn, evidence of lives I couldn’t see, sounds that my modern-day ears couldn’t normally hear.  Roaming Glasgow, I meandered like a magpie, stealing fragments of strangers’ conversations, and hoarding the rumblings of the city.

This piece is a work about its own creation, about my ear being shifted to hear what I cannot see, about myself being shifted to notice the textural intricacies held in the city, about noticing all that I witness today, instead of what I may fear tomorrow.

Find more from Kate on Instagram @createbradley and online