Ambivalent , But Listening


Ambivalent, but listening

A poem about the chaos of a womxn’s relationship to her naked body

Liv Collins

Artwork by Liv Collins

I took a nude

not to send, but to

hold in my palm

to look at

 my body

and wonder how I feel



the feelings are changing,

or maybe they’re not


maybe it’s more that

I am just finally


letting them rise



instead of trying to push

them down ,

muffle the sounds and

prevent them from ever cusping


so I listen

to the writhing twinge when

I put on a dress

and to the quiet

 comfortable hum

of layered clothing,

white hoody under grey jumper

feels good


but how do I feel when the

fabrics fall ?

I don’t know

ambivalent to my womxnhood maybe


not loathing, just uncertain

do I feel like a womxn?


maybe not

maybe I don’t need to know

but not knowing brings a discomfort of its own



so here I stand

not really knowing

but listening

and for now

that feels enough

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